Aleutians West Borough, Alaska Land Market Insights and Pricing

Based on the combined acreage of land and rural property for sale here, Aleutians West Borough has the most land for sale of the 29 counties in Alaska. Of all farms and rural real estate for sale in Aleutians West Borough, Unalaska featured the most land for sale. Manufacturing and related services are the largest economic sectors in Aleutians West Borough. Aleutians West Borough is Alaska's 14th biggest county (14,116 square miles). It's located in the Southwest Alaska region of Alaska.
3LISTINGS FOR SALE #3,015 of 3,218 Boroughs
$11,700,000AVERAGE LIST PRICE #11 of 3,218 Boroughs
230000 acresAVERAGE ACREAGE #1 of 3,218 Boroughs
$50AVERAGE PRICE PER ACRE #3,019 of 3,218 Boroughs
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Alaska Boroughs - Market Value Insights

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