Clark County, South Dakota Land Market Insights and Pricing

The value of all land for sale in Clark County, South Dakota, recently was approximately $2 million, representing a total of 147 acres of land for sale in Clark County. Clark County ranks 39th out of zero counties in the state for the total number of acres of land currently advertised for sale. Clark had the most land for sale.
3LISTINGS FOR SALE #3,015 of 3,218 Counties
$1,500,000AVERAGE LIST PRICE #735 of 3,218 Counties
138 acresAVERAGE ACREAGE #841 of 3,218 Counties
$10,869AVERAGE PRICE PER ACRE #2,080 of 3,218 Counties

Land for Sale in Clark County

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South Dakota Regions - Market Value Insights

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South Dakota Counties - Market Value Insights

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