Land for Sale in Duchesne County, Utah

: 1 - 25 of 274 listings

The overall value of land for sale in Duchesne County, Utah, recently on was around $64 million. This represents 8,000 acres of land and rural real estate for sale in Duchesne County. Duchesne County ranks 10th out of 29 counties in the Beehive State for the total number of acres of land currently advertised for sale. There were seven properties listed as sold in Duchesne County through the Land Network Comparable Sales Program. This represented a total value of $340,500. Among cities in Duchesne County with land and rural real estate for sale, Duchesne had the most land for sale. Economically speaking, Duchesne County's is largely dependent on mining and mineral extraction-related businesses and services. Duchesne County is the 12th largest county (3,250 square miles) in Utah. It's located in the East Utah region of Utah.