Calling all builders and investors! We present to you two parcels being sold as one, totaling 11.97 +/- acres of prime real estate. It is zoned R-2 for single family homes or attached townhouses. Strategically located on Catawba Valley Blvd, this location provides unmatched convenience with easy access to I-40, Hwy 70, and Hwy 321. The location's popularity, with close proximity to Grandview Middle School, several churches, Home Depot, Target, TJ Maxx etc., and a plethora of dining options ensures a highly marketable and desirable development. Per Hickory Zoning Department, there are sewer lines that run behind Grandview middle school that could possibly be connected to. Contact the engineering Dept. of Hickory Public Works. City water is also available for a Tap fee. Listing provided by: REMAX Legendary
From Hickory, go south on Lenoir Rhyne Blvd, cross over Hwy 70, turn right on Catawba Valley Blvd at the stop lights. At the first stop sign, continue straight and the properties will be on the right side, directly behind Bethlehem Lutheran Church. You can park in the Church parking lot. Showing will be conducted by appointment only.