This is the spot, near new VA hospital and Amazon Just a short walk to HWY 301 and Harney Rd Plenty of space for any size home or Duplex, get creative and build a quad, great investment, just think live in 1 and rent the others. Instant income and rent free all at the same time. No trees to cut down all ready done for you, electricity, well and septic in place. (septic no warranted) Wake up to the sounds of nature in this secluded land, yet so close to everything you can possibly need. Easy commute to Tampa or Orlando just a few lights away to HWY 4 and near HWY 75.
From HWY 301 and Harney RD go East on Harney to south on Bowles RD to East on Backup Ln to land on the left, 3rd property where the well is located.