Secluded ranch just south of Santa Anna, Property is perfect size, 100 Acres full of scattered Mesquite trees, cactus, Cedar brush, Live Oak and other types of brush-trees. Grasses range from Sideoats Gramma to Silver Bluestem, and Purpletop, and many others. This property offers excellent hunting opportunities. Species that have been located on the property include, but not limited to: Whitetail deer, dove, wild turkey, Bobwhite quail, feral pig, and other migratory birds have been spotted flying over the property including ducks and Sandhill crane. Property has new fence around the deer camp and the North, South, and West fence lines. All old cross-fences have been removed. There has been a 6-acre dove field planted in parental native sunflower and annual wheat. 4-elevated deer blinds: 4x4 wood blind, 2-4x6 fiberglass, new 5x5 Buck Stop blind, and 4 deer feeders. Fiber optic is available at the road. Fiber optic is available at the road
South out of Santa Anna on HWY-283, Right on CR-258