Maine Prairie Ranch is an irrigated row crop farm with a nearly two-acre farmstead (former dairy) with a modest single-family dwelling, detached garage, workshop and horse set-up. The farm is situated just a short drive to either Vacaville or Dixon. The agricultural resources include prime Class 2 soils and within Maine Prairie Water District with established diversion pumps in Ulatis Creek, a canal on the north boundary. Furthermore, the farm resides within the North Delta Water Agency and by agreement with the State, simply assures that the quantity and quality of water will not be impacted by its operations of the State Water Project.
The fields are level to grade with excellent drainage outlets into the canals that surround the farm. At 50 ft. elevation there is no threat of flooding and there are well-established almond orchards surrounding the farm. There are an estimated 111 farmable acres spread out over two fields. The farm is enrolled and has an active Williamson Act contract which keep the property taxes down.
The owner-occupied residence was built circa 1950 and is wood-frame on raised foundation covering 1,100 SF with 3 BR/2 BA plan with some updating. There are outbuildings including a detached garage, a workshop building (former milking parlor) and a couple of stalls with paddocks. Most of the fencing around the homestead is welded-pipe and wire.
Maine Prairie Farm is a blank land canvas to create with many options to add value through water development and permanent crop plantation or continued row crop production or a blend of both. Maine Prairie Ranch has been in the same family for many decades but it's time to let go. Great opportunity to acquire some California farmland in an excellent agricultural don't let this one get away.
From Interstate 80 (Between Vacaville/Dixon) take Midway Rd. exit and proceed East 3 miles to Pitt
School Rd.; Turn R on Pitt School Rd. and proceed S. 2.5 miles to property.