124 Acres in Trempealeau County! This property is located in southwest Trempealeau County just south of Dodge and Pine Creek. The property has 3-phase power and a well located at the quarry location. The black top entrance leading into the property has great parking location and staging equipment. The road to the quarry is 30 ft wide all the way to the top. Whitetail hunting in this area is as good as it gets. Several high caliber bucks have been taken in this area with QDMA being practiced throughout the area. The north end of this property has multiple ridges intersecting on the property making great travel corridor for the buck cruising in the rut. The large flat ridge has multiple bedding locations throughout. The property has red and white oaks located throughout the property. Additional information on the quarry is available upon request.
From Centerville head west on Hwy 54/35 for .5 mile. Then right (north) on County Rd. F for 1.5 miles. Then left at the Fork on Whistle Pass Rd. in 1.5 miles the propety will be on the right.