This historic and storied ranch is one of the biggest and best in East Texas, and may be the best ranch for sale right now in the entire state for running large numbers of cattle, and likely one of the cheapest per head. It also is a little different from other ranches in the area in that the majority of it is grass, with very little timber. There is everything you need in place to start running cattle immediately. The property is currently leased out with three separate leases, two for grass and one for farming. All three leases have provisions to be cancelled at the buyers discretion, although certain terms must be met to allow leasees time to harvest crops or find homes for their cattle. The terms of the leases can be provided on request.
If you're looking for depreciation to mitigate your tax burden, this place has it. There is over $23.5 million worth of depreciation. Equally important, this property has everything you need to run cattle. There are 5 sets of pens, that are either partially or fully covered and have either hydraulic or Pierson manual squeeze chutes. The main set of pens has scales, a loadout, and overhead feed storage. These pens can accommodate thousands of head of cattle. There are 4 large hay barns scattered across the property. There is substantial grain storage at the headquarters, although it is not currently used and may need some work to get up and running. There are also 3 large barns at the headquarters, two of which have concrete floors. There are 5 rent houses on the property, 2 of which could be considered for either the managers home or the owners home. There is also an office at the headquarters. There are 33 miles of improved ranch road, over 100 miles of barbed wire fence that is in good condition, and 9.7 miles of levies meant to protect the farmland from Cuthand Creek. Depreciation schedule can be provided on request.
This property can truly do it all. It has been successfully run as a farming operation, a yearling operation, and a cow/calf operation. There is the potential to break out over 10,000 ac if farming is what you're interested in, or the 3100 ac farmland could be easily converted back into grass. The lease agreement on the grass states a cow to 6 ac or a yearling to 1, which is more than adequate to assure plentiful forage year after year. One of the areas where this ranch really shines is untapped potential. There is a 70 ac lake that would be a great candidate to run pivots or irrigate pecan orchards. Additional similarly sized lakes could be built in the area providing even more irrigated country. There are also approximately 130 ac of improved pine plantations. There are even feed bunks at the headquarters if you're interested in starting a grow yard. There is a substantial base for multiple grains that regularly trigger government payments. These can be provided on request.
This ranch has everything a rancher could need. There are sandy soils that grow Bermuda and Ryegrass, there are black land soils that are great for farming and grow abundant Dallis and Fescue, and there is everything in between. All pastures have at least one cool season and warm season grass, and there is abundant clover in the spring as well. Because of its history of farming, this property has an unusually high ratio of grass to timber, although all pastures do have sufficient shade. There is live water on the property. Cuthand Creek splits the property in several places. The ranch is incredibly well watered, and there is sufficient surface water to rotate cattle through even the heaviest droughts. There is a water well at the headquarters that provides water to the pens, and there is an artisanal well that runs most of the year in the farmland.
This ranch has just about every game species imaginable and is located right between the Central and Mississippi duck flyways. There are pigs, bobcats, coyotes, and even the occasional black bear has been spotted on game camera. There is also sufficient acreage to grow decent white tail, something of a rarity in this part of the state. The large amounts of surface water provide excellent fishing opportunities. The majority of the ranch is leased out to hunters (except for a few spots the owner has cherry picked). The hunting leases provide a great additional source of income.
Contact for Directions.
If you use Google Maps, you can search for "Cross Arrow HQ".