138 Acre Fort Scott, Ks Hunt with Income Tract. This trophy hunting property is well balanced with terrific income opportunity. Current owners claim to fame is the annual dove hunts they put on. Over 20 hunts are offered with people driving many miles to experience dove hunts on this strategically developed property. The current owners have meticulously laid this farm out to yield the highest income earnings and to produce the best whitetail trophy hunting and dove hunting experiences. The farm is comprised of 19 acres of sunflower patches and 70 acres of soybeans, a beautiful valley flanked by 4 ponds throughout the property. You will be hard pressed to find a hunting tract with better genetics at this price. **Taxes will be adjusted to the 138.8 acre tract.
9 Hwy South, just past the city of Fort Scott, take 69 Hwy to Jayhawk rd. Go West on Jayhawk to 187th, go South to Indian Rd. Head West on Indian Rd. to 180th St. Go South on 180th to Fern Rd. Head West on Fern Rd. and the property is on the North side of the road just past 120th St.