14934 Summer Susie San Antonio TX 78233 (3Bedroom)
Rent: $1,900/month
Below Market Value: $200,000
Property Tax: ~$5,203/year
202 Estate Dr. San Antonio TX 78244 (5Bedroom)
Rent: $1,360/month (can be increased to $2000+)
Below Market Value: $170,000
Property Tax: ~$4,880/year
4154 Sunrise Crest Dr. San Antonio TX 78244(4Bedroom)
Rent: $1,865/month
Below Market Value: $130,000
Property Tax: ~$2,848/year
5031 Gene Cernan Dr. San Antonio TX 78219 (4Bedroom)
Rent: $1,800/month
Below Market Value: $150,000
Property Tax: ~$3,723/year
6614 Brownleaf Dr. San Antonio TX 78227(4Bedroom)
Rent: $1,600/month
Below Market Value: $150,000
Property Tax: ~$3,852/year
Total Below Wholesale Value of 5 homes: $800,000
Current Total Monthly Rents: $8,525/month
Call or text: 949-828-LAND(5263)