Foster Auction
Saturday October 27th at noon
Sale located 23476 Lilac Ave Bloomfield Iowa
Seller:The Mary Jane Foster Estate
The Late Clifford and Mary Jane Foster
Ashley Leyda Walkup Attorney
Open house will be held Thursday October 11th from 4:30-6. Private showings available by appt please contact Lincoln at 641-208-3649. Land will be sold on price per acre basis subject to final survey. 10% due day of the sale. Closing will be set on or before Nov. 30th 2018.
Tract 1-36 acres
* 25.43 tillable
* 74 CSR2
* Hwy access and easement
* Currently in organic production
Tract 2-80 acres
* Pasture/hayground
* 2 bedroom 1 bath 1232 sq ft. home built in 1912.
* 22x26 detached garage
* Sold subject to tenants rights until March 1 2019.
* Rural water and electric on site.
Tract 3-37 acres
* 32 acres tillable
* 41.7 CSR2
* Currently in organic production