About: An excellent pivot irrigated farm located southwest of Cozad, Nebraska. The farm has 153.74 acres more or less according to the county assessor. It features all class 1 rated soils with Cozad & Hord Silt Loam soils. The farm is currently leased for the 2023 crop season with full possession available on March 1st, 2024.
The pivot is owned the by tenant. The building site and bins in the southeast corner are not included with the farm.
Directions: 3 miles south of the interstate at Cozad and 3 miles west on Road 757. For sale is 153.74 acres more or less.
Legal: The Southwest of Section 27, Township 10 North, Range 24 West of the 6th PM Dawson County, Nebraska excluding the 5.17 Acre Tract in the Southeast Corner.
FSA: 150.09 Acres Cropland. Base Acres Corn 110.40 and Base Acres Beans 36.80
Enrolled in PLC with Corn Yield of 141 and Beans 62.
Well Information: Located in the Central Platte NRD, 150.28 Certified Irrigated Acres
Registration: G-015084, 1,100 GPM, 9 Column, Depth 138Ft, Static Level 22FT, Pumping Level 53FT, Drilled 8/5/1953
2022 Taxes: $10,538.56
The farm is rented for the 2023 Farm Season with full possession starting at March 1st, 2024.
Adam Marshall Broker
Directions: 3 miles south of the interstate at Cozad and 3 miles west on Road 757. For sale is 153.74 acres more or less.