As the title says, this is a tremendous multi-species hunting property with multiple sources of income from tillable farm leases, government CRP payment, and pasture lease if desired. On the south end of the parcel is a wide stretch of Long Creek and a pecan grove bordered to the north by high quality creek-bottom tillable. Total tillable acres on this parcel is 20.72. The balance of the property is a mix of CRP, native grass pasture and timber. Total CRP acreage is 37.66 with an estimated annual government payment of $2,072.05 that expires in 2025. There are multiple hedgerows on this property providing both privacy and excellent habitat. If you're looking for a parcel to pursue deer, turkey, and quail with return on assets, you'll want to take a closer look at this one. The adjoining 160 acres to the north is currently listed as well.
Taxes: $846.38
Brief Legal: A tract in the NE1/4 of 11-19-15 East in Coffey County, Kansas.
Driving directions: From the I-35/Highway 75 junction go south on Highway 75 for 1 mile to old 50 Highway and turn east. Proceed one mile to native Rd and turn north. Go mile and property begins on west side.