PROFITABLE IDAHO MOUNTAIN GET-AWAY BORDERING US FOREST SERVICE LAND ON TWO SIDES!! Bring your choice of toys and explore the mountains, relax in the hot springs, visit the Yankee Fork Gold Dredge, explore the Ghost Town of Custer, Steelhead/Salmon/Trout Fishing, Big Game Hunting, miles of side by side riding, hiking, white water rafting, cross country skiing, and snowmobiling are just a handful of options around this IDAHO GET-AWAY! This is an active and PROFITABLE property earning approximately $50K-$60K a year as a short-term rental. Use it for your own fun or a combination there of. This unique property can accommodate as many as 10 people!! Along with the cabin, there is a separate bunk house in the back with power, a detached spacious 24 X 24 garage, & a separate 24 X 36 shop w/power. Imagine the memories and smores you can make with your family & friends around the campfire and there is no better place for your morning cup of joe than the quiet and peaceful YANKEE FORK deck!