Land Auction: Pishny Farm, LLC Seller
Thursday, October 13 at 6:00 P.M. Community Center, Waterville, KS
157.6 +/- Acres Marshall County Kansas Land
Legal Description: NW 1/4 Sec. 21 TWP 5S Rng. 6E (per Marshall Co. Appraiser)
FSA Information: FSA Farmland = 156.94 acres with 134.33 DCP Cropland acres
Base Acres Wheat 15.1, Grain Sorghum 14.90, Soybeans 30.0, Total base acres 60.0
Enrolled in ARC County Wheat, Sorghum, Soybeans
Tract 1: Farmland
This tract is approximately 136 Acres with approximately 133.3 acres of cropland.
Tract 2: Home and Acreage
3 Bedroom, 1 Bath
Hardwood Floors
Approx. 21.6 Acres
Barn with Tin Roof
Hay Meadow
3/4 Acre Pond
Beautiful Setting
Family Ready
Private Well
30 Miles from Manhattan, KS
Just off Hwy 77
Beautiful View
Potential Building Site
Home Shown by Appt.
Room for 4H Projects, Horses, Cows, Pigs, Goats, Sheep, Chickens
and Other Outdoor Hobbies Garden, Orchard, ORV Trails, etc.
Tract 3: The combination of tracts 1 & 2
Should the tracts sell separately, buyers of tracts 1 and 2 shall split the cost of a survey.
Property Location: From Waterville KS Stoplight at Hwy 9 & 77 Junction go South 5.5 Miles to Bobcat Lane then go West 1/2 mile to the Northeast Corner of the Farm. OR From Cottage Hill go 1 Mile North on Hwy 77 to Bobcat Lane then West 1/2 Mile.
2021 Property Taxes: $4247.02 (taxes have not been split for tracts 1 & 2)
From Waterville KS Stoplight at Hwy 9 & 77 Junction go South 5.5 Miles to Bobcat Lane then go West 1/2 mile to the Northeast Corner of the Farm. OR From Cottage Hill go 1 Mile North on Hwy 77 to Bobcat Lane then West 1/2 Mile.