This nice little homestead near the small community of Mayfield has all the features necessary to make anyone a great place to be successful. Whether you are looking for a place to live in the country and raise livestock or a hunting camp where you can start hunting right out the back door, this might be it. Straight out of the Conservation Reserve Program, this tract has been enrolled for several years and is ready for the next chapter. There are rolling hills of native grasses and scattered plum thickets. The locust groves, plum thickets, and tall native grasses make for incredible cover for wildlife. An old set of pens with the water well that supplies the home are in the middle of the property to make it easy to supply water for cattle and wildlife throughout the property. The small brick 2-bedroom 2-bathroom home may be a little outdated, but is in great structural shape and will stand the test of time to make someone a great home. The round-top barn works great for storage and is built to stand up to all the elements. Give Rustin a call for inquiries or to set up a showing.