Cypress Creek Lodge is the perfect starting place for the serious outdoors man or group. With a huge 3,000 plus sqft home/lodge, a 7,200 steel frame insulated shop with multiple bay doors, a 1,200 post frame 3 bay garage, 10 acre hay meadow and almost 150 acres of mature timber this property has IT all! The current owner has not allowed hunting or any timber harvest activity since the property was purchased in mid 1990. The pristine stands of mature pine and mixed hardwoods (see included third party timber evaluation), ready to thin, make the tract a rarity in South Arkansas, very rare indeed. The new buyer could easily conduct a timber sale immediately after closing and then begin improving the tract for hunting purposes or just enjoy the property knowing there's cash on the stump should it be needed. The cypress studded, aptly named, Cypress Creek traverses over one-half mile of the western portion of the property. Moving toward the east the cypress stands give way to mixed stands of mature hardwoods with the higher, dryer elevations covered in mature Loblolly pine. The pine stands are almost entirely chip-n-saw and sawtimber with very little pulpwood. The habitat diversity on this property is outstanding. The current owner has created a virtual refuge without even trying. Since hunting has not been allowed on the property for more than 30 years the local wildlife have become accustomed to being unmolested year-round. Whitetail deer, turkey, feral hog and multiple specie of small game call these timber stands home, song birds and various specie of reptile can also be viewed on a regular basis. I welcome you to visit Cypress Creek Lodge today, contact me at 8708185418 for a personal tour.
Neither the seller, Mossy Oak Properties Land & Home(MOPLH), their subsidiaries, affiliates nor representatives warrant theaccuracy, adequacy or completeness of any information contained hereinregarding the property, its condition, boundaries, access, acreage, or timberstand information. Maps, timber evaluations and all information containedherein is provided "AS IS," as a courtesy to potential buyers. Potential buyersshould make their own determination regarding the accuracy of the informationprovided. Potential buyer's agent(s) must be identified on first contact withMOPLH and must accompany the potential buyer on showings to receive full feeparticipation. Otherwise, the fee participation will be at the sole discretionof MOPLH. All property is subject to change, withdrawal, or prior sale. MOPLHexpressly disclaims liability for errors or omissions and does not assumeliability for typographical errors, misprints, nor for misinformation that mayhave been given to us.