This 158+/- acre property is located just 18 miles Northeast of Britton, South Dakota. The Farm Service Agency indicates 108.98 +/- cropland acres, a mix of CRP/tillable acres. There is also a L shaped tree claim and 2 ponds, located just off 104th street.
According to FSA information, this tract comprises approximately 158 +/- taxable acres. Currently, there are 16.45+/- tillable acres and 91.18+/- CRP acres: totaling 108.98 +/- cropland acres. The average CRP payment is approximately $201.22/acre. There are two CRP contracts: 39.95 +/- acres began in October of 2022 and 52.53+/- acres is set to be re-enrolled in October of 2023. This tract does not contain any US Fish & Wildlife Easements.
The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) in South Dakota is a critical conservation initiative that contributes to the preservation of land. By enrolling land into this program, one helps preserve the long-term well-being of South Dakota’s natural resources, while providing protection to wildlife habitats, and the sustainability of agriculture.
Marshall County is situated amidst the Coteau des Prairies, a region known for its rolling hills, fertile farmland, and numerous lakes. All of which are conveniently located on this property! The county’s diverse topography, consists of farmland, prairies, woodlands, and wetlands, creating an ecological haven for a wide variety of habitat. This area not only offers beautiful natural landscapes, but exceptional recreational opportunities such as waterfowl, big game, and pheasant hunting; as well as fishing, boating, and hiking.
Pheasant hunting in South Dakota is highly regarded and is one of the state’s most popular outdoor activities due to its large populations of wild pheasants and favorable habitat. The Glacial Lakes Region is also very popular for waterfowl hunting. The area’s numerous lakes, wetlands, and waterways attract a wide variety of waterfowl species, making it a great destination come fall.
160 acres of Waterfowl Production Area, that is open to public hunting, borders the South boundary of this property. Additionally, South Dakota Game Fish and Parks provide numerous public hunting areas such as wildlife management areas, state game production areas, and federal waterfowl production areas. These areas allow public hunting and are managed by the Game Fish and Parks (GFP) offering access to a variety of habitats and hunting opportunities.
The Crop Productivity Index (CPI) averages 67.66. The top 2 soils are Forman-Aastad Loams with 2-6% slopes (61.39% or 98.28 acres) and Forman-Aastad Loams, 6-9% slopes (19.86% or 31.8 acres)
Legals: Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) of Section twenty-five (25), Township one hundred twenty-eight North (128N), Range fifty-six West (56W) of the 5th P.M. Marshall County, SD 57430. 158+/- taxable acres. Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, if any.
Boundaries of the property are not completely fenced. No warranties about the location of the fence lines will be made in relationship to the deeded property lines. The property is being sold as the location of the fences currently exist, based on boundaries shown on the legal description.
16 miles to Lake City
18.5 miles to Britton
18 miles to Roy Lake
28 miles to Opitz Lake
41 miles to Pickerel Lake
52 miles to Waubay
79 miles to Aberdeen
From Britton: Head East on Highway 10 for 6 miles, North for 6 miles on Highway 27 (429th Ave), East on 104th St for 6.5 miles and you will arrive on the NW corner of the property.