The property consists of 160+/- acres of young almonds with two sources of water. The property is located along the north line of Avenue 152 approximately 1/2 mile west of Road 112, northwest of Tipton, CA. Varieties include 50% NP and 50% Monterey all on Nemaguard Rootstock. Approximately 119+/- acres were planted in 2011 and 39+/- acres were planted in 2010. The property is located within the Lower Tule Irrigation District and receives water from this source. In addition, there are three (3) deep wells located on the property equipped with electric motors ranging from 125 hp to 250 hp. A 50 hp booster pump distributes water from a reservoir through six (6) filter tanks and is applied utilizing a fan jet irrigation system. Please see attached brochure for more information.