$6,975,000 • 160 Acres
For Sale
For Sale
$6,975,000160 Acres
For Sale

3971 North 1200 East, Buhl, ID 83316 - Twin Falls County

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Property ID 21724374

160 acres in Twin Falls County, Idaho

Well maintained, 2016 Built, Double 20 parallel Milking Barn, 1,290 +- Hatfield Dairy lockups plus 470 +- Feedlot Lockups. 6 Milking Corrals, 4 Feedlot Corrals. Equipment by Delaval, Parallel with turner stalls, Automatic interior foot bath, Seasonal recycled water heated holding pen floor and alley, Full automated energy efficient barn lighting. 8 bay commodity barns, 3 - sided equipment shed with 2 - bays enclosed with rollups. 3 bay insulated shop. 110 ft +- truck scale with 2-keypad on each end. 1 - Milk Silo 80,000 lbs. capacity, 1 - Milk tank 21,500 lbs. capacity, 1 - 10,000 Gallon water storage tank, 2 - Quincy rotary compressors, 2 - vacuum pumps, 3 Chiller Tables, 1 - 200 KW diesel generator 3 phase 480 volt.

Property Features


  • Barn Information

    • Barn(s)
    • Shop Building
  • Land Type

    • Both
  • Lot Description

    • Acreage
  • Present Use

    • Agriculture
    • Dairy
    • Dairy Farm
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US West 30 to N. 1600 East, south 1 mile and east on 4000 N. (Clover), then south on N. 1200 E.


Contact Seller
Robert Jones Realty, Inc

Twin Falls, ID

(208) 943-8795

About Mark Jones

Mark is the associate broker of Robert Jones Realty,Inc.a local family business that has providedpersonal service and performance guaranteesbacked by the Jones good family name since1974. Our success has been measured by repeatbusiness we receive, says Mark, who has workedfor 27 years in the business.Mark is an Idaho Vandal, tried and true, havinggraduated from the University of Idaho Moscowin 1993 with a major in advertising and a minorin psychology. He and Bob Jones have set up anendowment in the University of Idaho AgribusinessDepartment that awards scholarships to localstudents who want to pursue an agricultural degreeat the University of Idaho. He was a member of theSilver Club Vandal Scholarship Fund in 2005 and amember of the Presidents Club Vandal ScholarshipFund in 2006.Since college, Mark has volunteered for numerouscommunity agencies and boards and instructedvarious real estate classes for consumers. Hes alsoa donor to the College of Southern Idaho Foundation,a member of the Twin Falls Area Chamber ofCommerce, a lifetime member of the Idaho Chapter of Sportsman for Fish and Wildlife and a participantand donor in the annual Idaho Governors Cup golf/skeet/fly fishing tournament held in Sun Valley toraise money to help deserving graduating studentsattend Idaho colleges. Mark is a member of Omega Tau Rho, the HonorSociety of the National Association for REALTORSfor outstanding accomplishments in the field ofreal estate, He served on the Risk ManagementCommittee in 2011.He was president of the Idaho REALTORS in 2011and south District vice president in 2006-07. He hasserved on various committees for the association,including those governing bylaws, finance andbudget, legislative public policy, forms andprofessional standards.He currently holds the Golden R level for theREALTORS Political Action Committee, as well asan Honor Society Member for more than 15 yearsand recently inducted into the RPAC Hall of Fame.Given all that, you could conclude he has beeninvolved on the local board of Realtors, as well.He served as president of the Greater Twin FallsAssociation of REALTORS in 2004 in and isalso State Director in 2020. He wasREALTOR of the Year in 2005 In addition, Mark is past state vice president ofChapter No. 42 of the REALTORS Land Institute,Graduate of the REALTOR Institute. He also isgraduate of the Magic Valley Leadership Academyand a graduate of the Scheels Commercial PropertyAcademy.Despite being so busy spearheading improvementsin his chosen industry, Mark still has time to puttogether successful real estate transactions. In fact,he has accumulated more than 186 million in salesin his career. That puts him in the top 1 percent ofsales producers in the state of Idaho. He also workshard behind the scenes with the Idaho REALTORSthe largest trade organization in the state ofIdaho--to make sure that Idaho retains its freedomof private property ownership. Mark and his wife Julie have three daughters andone son. When he has free time, Mark enjoys,fly fishing, snow skiing, scuba diving and golfing with the family.

Seller Resources
Listing provided by
Mark Jones
Robert Jones Realty, Inc(208) 943-8795
Listing last updated: January 22, 2025 at 10:05 AM
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Mark Jones

Mark Jones

Robert Jones Realty, Inc