Excellent combination rangeland with cropland and improvements, in 1 contiguous block. 71 additional acres available (Toy Range) cornering Anderland to the east.
Legal Description:
Anderland: N1/2 Section 5;NE1/4 Section 6-T11N-R22W; All except a tract Section 31; W1/2E1/2 & W1/2 Section 32 T12N-R22W;Two tracts east of the county road in E1/2 Section 36-T12N-R23W. All West of the 6th P.M., Dawson County, Nebraska
Toy Range: West 71 acres of SW1/4 Section 33-T12N-R22W All West of the 6th P.M., Dawson County, Nebraska.
Anderland: 1604 acres (includes 2 acres in Parcel 2)
Toy Range: 71 acres
Anderland Parcel 1: $3,100,000
Anderland Parcel 2: $100,000
Toy Range: $115,000
Anderland: $33,083 (includes 2 acres in Parcel 2)
Toy Range: $1,201
Land Use:
Anderland: 32 acres gravity irrigated from well G-020535 ; 96 acres dryland cropland; 1,464 acres rangeland; 12 acres building site
Toy Range: Entirely rangeland, bordered on the west and north by county gravel roads and on the east and south by Central Platte Natural Resources District (NRD).
FSA Info:
Anderland: 152.9 cropland acres. Base Acres: corn 92.2 at 129; oats 3.8 at 46.
Anderland: Well G-020535 July 1959, 1000 gpm from 73 foot pumping level. Newly overhauled Case diesel engine. Includes 126.8 Certified Irrigated Acres in Central Platte NRD
Toy Range: Pipeline water from Anderland to the west across road. Does not have an independent livestock water source. Electricity is available on north boundary for drilling of a livestock well.
Anderland: Parcel 1: 1,600 sqft home with large garage; 2-4,000 sqft steel buildings, full concrete; 2-9,000 bu grain bins; 2-cone bottom bins; 1,600 sqft barn; large corral system, alleys & chutes; 400 ft concrete bunk. Excellent calving-feeding area with beautiful treeline protection.
Anderland: Parcel 2: 1,500 sqft home on 2.0 acres.
Anderland: Parcel 1 - $3,100,000
Anderland: Parcel 2 - $100,000
Toy Range: $115,000
Comments: Very nice gently rolling hardland range with pipeline water, well cross-fenced. Irrigated and dry cropland on excellent soils. Nice building improvements, appropriate to property. Cattle facilities with excellent windbreak protection around buildings. (Toy Range corners to the east, with pipeline water).