Tract 16. Just a short 5 miles south of Iraan, this 170 acre ranch is comprised of large deep mesas, beautiful canyons, and magnificent limestone bluff. Elevation changes on the ranch range from 2,600 to 2800 ft.
This property is located on the Edwards plateau. Trees on the property consist of Live Oak, Shin Oak in the canyons, with mesquite, and juniper. Gorgeous Mountain Laurels, and abundance of Sage and other indigenous plants to the area. The game species that are known to be in the area are the known Mule Deer, Whitetail and we are now seeing Axis on the ranch. Javelina and the Hogs make their home here as well. The mascot for the ranch, to which the ranch is named after, is the black bear, and the owner has had many sightings in the past years. There are also several predator species such as mountain lion, coyote, and fox.
We have almost sold this amazing ranch out in just under a month this is one of the last 2 we have left
Contact me for a Map Right interactive map link.
Just 5 east of Iraan on hwy 190 with access directly off the 190
Lufkin, TX