Come Explore this 7 +/- acre wooded lot located among a rural residential neighborhood in Bennington VT. This is the lot Behind the Homes and is accessed by a deeded and surveyed 50 ROW off the paved and town-maintained Gore Road. Power and services are at the road frontage. The property contains a mature hardwood forest primarily of Oak and Maple. Every so slightly sloping, with a beautiful trail through the center. Nice old stone walls accent the property and there were signs of deer, turkeys and a few flushed grouse. The ROW has not been improved and is lightly wooded running along the back yards of the neighbors. Likely drivable by an ATV, this would be a great little spot for camping, hunting, or just hanging out. With ROW improvement a home likely could be built but no investigation has been completed on this and now septic soil testing has been completed. Priced to take into consideration the work that may be required for the ROW.
For GPS use 182 Gore Road. Mailbox looks like a bear. Park down the street at the Benington Rural Fire Dept and walk up. Go up grass past mailbox and into the woods, you will see a corner pin with red flagging, that is the corner of the ROW. Please be courteous to Neighbor. Follow along property edges until you see the path that will bring you to the property.