17 miles north of Del Rio, fronting on the Devils River which is known as Texas most pristine spring-fed waterway. The Ranch also lies up river from Lake Amistad, the number one bass fishing lake in the United States. Access to the Ranch is 22 miles north of Del Rio off US Highway 277 then 8 miles west on a county maintained and improved caliche road dead ending into the front gate of the Devils River Ranch.
17,000 Acres in Val Verde County PRICE REDUCED to $995.00/acre from $1250.00/acre.
The Devils River Ranch is situated at the convergence of three biologically distinct eco-regions in Texas, the Texas Hill Country to the east, the Chihuahuan Desert to the west, and the subtropical Tamaulipan Brushland to the south creating one of the most unique wildlife habitats in the state. This highly improved ranch enjoys over 10 miles of crystal clear spring fed Devils River frontage which provides some of the best recreation water and small mouth bass fly fishing in the country. Elevation is between 1,200 and 1,700 feet with numerous steep carved wooded limestone canyons as well as gentle mesa tops. The river is divided between rapids, pools, riffles, and wide lakes. The improvements are exceptional and include over thirty miles of highly improved roads, tastefully sited and designed headquarters and foreman homes, an intensively managed white tail deer program, making this one of the most enjoyable ranches anywhere.
To the first time visitor, the Devils River seems almost out of place. On sunny days, it is an oasis of clear blue rivaling the Caribbean, with views all the way to the bottom of the limestone bed. In addition to fronting on the cleanest river in Texas, the Ranch lies within one of the most important landscape conservation initiatives in Texas. The property is subject to a conservation agreement with The Nature Conservancy, which has, to date, protected over 150,000 acres in the region using conservation easements to reduce subdivision and its impact on the aquifer that supports the springs. In essence, the Devils River Ranch through its work with a variety of organizations and partners has been the center of science-based land restoration in the region to help improve watershed health and restore wildlife habitat.
Tamaulipan Brushland, Hill Country and Chihuahuan Desert habitats are all part of the Devils River Ranch. From Ocatillo and Sotol, to Live Oak and Juniper woodlands, to Black Brush and Guajllio, the Ranch represents a crossroads of diverse habitats. With grazing deferred for over 15 years, the propertys browse and grasslands are in the best condition of any ranch in the region. Native grasses, forbs, browse, brush, cacti and trees not only provide excellent habitat for game species such as whitetail deer, turkey, quail, audad, and dove but also for non-game species such as Texas horned lizard, neo-tropical songbirds, Texas tortoise, Montezuma quail, Rio Grande beaver and native fish species.
The Devils River Ranch is one the most pristine environments in Texas as outflows from the Edwards Trinity Aquifer support unique streamside habitat such as sycamore, willow, live oak and many aquatic plants.
The Devils River Ranch has been actively managed under a Texas Parks and Wildlife Whitetail Managed Land Deer Permit for the past eight years. The combination of extensive habitat restoration, deferred grazing, a feeding program, and herd culling has produced one of the finest deer populations in the region as evidence by last years 190 class harvest. The Ranch also boasts great bird hunting with extensive turkey populations, blue and bobwhite quail and morning dove.
Fishing is second to none on the Devils River in Texas. The gin-clear, blue-green waters
are home to the best fly fishing in the state. Small mouth bass, black bass, and catfish fishing are excellent. The proximity to Lake Amistad also adds an additional fishing amenity.
The Devils River Ranch is also an incredible place to watch and photograph the great outdoors and its wildlife features such as the Monarch Butterfly Migration, Fox, Ringtail Cat, Rio Grande Beaver, Osprey, as well as incredible diverse native fishery with its clear waters.
8000 sq. foot Lodge (including main lodge and guest house) built in 2002 with incredible views of the river.
Ranch Managers home with five bedrooms constructed in 2003.
27 high quality, two man fiber glass deer stands and feeders, together with 15 protein feeders.
Picturesque, original river pavilion under large Live oaks with cooking and bath facilities at excellent natural swimming area.
Eight stall horse barn, including turn-out and Coastal Bermuda patch.
30 miles of highly improved caliche roads for easy travel throughout the ranch, together with complete road maintenance equipmentroad grader, dump truck, etc.
15 windmills and submersible pumps in excellent working order and a distribution system so that wildlife water is never more than a mile away.
4,200 foot paved airstrip.
The Ranch has over 10 miles of frontage on the east bank of the Devils River with many
access points for fishing, canoeing, kayaking, and tubing. The Devils River with its
limestone bottom and spring fed waters is the cleanest river in the state and is the standard
used by the TCEQ for river quality. The groundwater is relatively shallow and the ranch has
15 different wells scattered throughout the property.
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