Seller Finance Available on full price offers- Amazing views!!! Be Sure to see the drone photos and video- Affordable with 1998 model 1456 sq foot mobile home in great condition- an adjacent hunting shack with pot belly stove, Spectacular views from front porch that only the Texas Hill County can boast of. The area is thick with whitetail deer, axis deer, exotics and feral hogs. Water well in place- This location is only 5 miles north of Utopia, just off N. Little Creek Rd, B&R Rd and Beaulah Rd. For breathtaking views and a great place for residential or recreational needs, come take a look!
from Utopia, 4 miles north on N Little Creed Rd, go west on B&R Rd, gate will be there when road turns left into Beulah Pl.