20 ACRES (MOL) WITH ALL UTILITIES AND READY FOR SET UP FOR DOUBLEWIDE!! If you are looking for some land outside of the City for some peace and quiet - this is a nice piece of property with a pond, mostly fenced and ready for you to build or place your forever home there! There is a new septic system already in with all utilities and concrete runners for a doublewide. There is an existing older mobile on the home; however, it is not being given any value. You decide. This land is located west of the City of Eufaula in the Stidham area and school district. It is just 20 minutes (14 miles to town). Looking for land in the country? Call me and let's take a look!
From Eufaula downtown, go West on Hwy 9 6.7 miles. Turn North (Right) on N4110 Rd (Stidham Rd). Travel 4 miles and turn Left on E1150 Rd. Travel 1 mile and turn right on N4100 Rd. Turn Left on E1140 Rd and travel 1.7 miles to the property. See sign on right. GPS: 35.362701; -95.745515