LEWIS CO. 190 ELK LICK BRANCH - 3 bdrm., 2 bath doublewide situated on 1.03 acre lot, Lp gas heat (wall-mounted stove), concrete block foundation, detached garage, storage building ALL FOR JUST $42,500! (Reduced from $50,000!).
Boundaries shown are approximate, based upon the Property Valuation Administration Aerial PVA, tax assessor) and the Plat of Deed Calls, adjusted to consider the boundaries as indicated by the seller (who indicates that the lot extends to Elk Lick Branch, thus crossing the road and including the small storage building); the owner is not certain whether the entire yard she claims is owned by her as her claims differ from the PVA aerial mapping (which shows the lot to the east of her doublewide being smaller than what it appears as far as what she mows/maintains. NOTE: While the lot is a surveyed boundary, having a surveyor mark the actual boundaries would remove any concerns about the actual property boundary lines and would be recommended!).