Located in central Chilton County about 5 miles east of Clanton
It is about 46 minutes from Birmingham (intersection I-459 & I-65), or about 40 minutes from Montgomery, AL (intersection of I-65 & Northern By-pass)
The property has about 2,900 feet on Walnut Creek. Although there is no road access to the creek, Lake Mitchell (Coosa River) can be reached by boat from here (2.3 miles)
The property fronts for about 2,600 feet on gravel Co Rd 465
The property has an excellent network of internal woods roads making all the acres highly accessible. The internal woods roads are used exclusively by the property owner.
Power is available the entire length of frontage on Co Rd 465. Water runs up Co Rd 465 to within about 1/2 mile of the southern-most tip of the property
This forested property has numerous nice house sites
Excellent timber investment with about 163 ac of 28 to 21-year-old planted loblolly pine and about 53 ac of hardwood timber along creeks and drains
The hunting on the property is excellent due to the creek frontage, and the mix of bottomland hardwood and planted pines
Call the listing agent, Tom Brickman at 205-936-2160, for more info or to arrange a visit