The Bow & Arrow Ranch is truly one of the best ranches you will find in the Sandhills, and beyond. It is highly productive with a cost per cow unit that is as good or better as there is anywhere. It has been under the same management for close to 40 years and it is in extremely good condition...never over grazed. It has good fences and abundant stock water. An abundant variety of wildlife makes this an excellent hunting property. The Home Ranch consists of five houses, two bunkhouses, calving barn, corrals, salt shed, shop and more.
Land Details
21,605 total deeded acres
2,461 belf lease
3,650 acres sub-irrigated meadows
312 acres pivot ground
16,252 acres forrest permit
870 cow USFS permit
Capacity to run 1,700 mama cows year round
The Ranch produces over 6,000 ton of hay annually
Water Details
Home Ranch: 65 windmills and solar wells
North Ranch: 2 electric wells, windmill and a big spring Forrest Permit: 43 wells and solars plus steer creek Hudson Lake is stocked by the Nebraska Game & Parks, with Bass, Perch and Blue Gill
The north end of the Home Ranch lays adjacent across the Highway from the Prairie Club and Caprock, two world renown Golf Courses.