ROCKING B RANCH: Rolling hill country with lots of views from atop 2 plateau shaped hills on the ranch. Great cover of trees including huge Spanish Oaks, Live Oaks, shin oak, mesquite and cedar. Several cultivated fields/pastures up front and in a long valley between hills. 4 water wells (1 elect. pump, 1 solar pump, 2 windmills), 2 of which yield 20+ & 33 GPM per well logs. Dirt pond with good water catch near windmill well. Older 3/2 mobile home w/ Central H&A used as a camphouse. Modern steel metal barn (1,200 sf per MCAD). Hay shed, steel working pens. Large concrete water tank at headquarters could be converted into swimming pool. Fenced and cross-fenced into 2 large pastures and several smaller traps. Seller is willing to divide and sell back 82 acre portion. $3,395 per acre
Located approx. 21 miles W of Mason, TX and 17 miles east of Menard, TX off State Hwy 29. Just 1 mile south of Hext, TX on west side of TX Ranch Rd. 1221.