TMV Ranch
Location: The property is located near Hollister in the Central Coastal region of California. The area is known for its beauty and agricultural diversity. The property is approximately 50 miles south of the Silicone Valley, 25 miles north east of the Salinas Valley and the Monterey Bay area. This property is approximately 242 acres located approximately 4 miles north of Hollister California. The property is a short drive to Monterey, Santa Cruz, Silicon Valley, the San Joaquin Valley and less than a 2 hour drive to San Francisco. This parcel is situated within the unincorporated area of San Benito County.
Lot Size: The subject property totals 242+- gross acres as has been indicated by the San Benito County Assessors office.
Land Use:
The majority of the ranch is currently planted to asparagus with the balance being used for vegetables. Growing a wide variety of vegetables on the fertile soil has been the primary use but the property is also suited for vines and tree crops. The area is known for its cool summer climate due to the proximately to the coast. The region is also known for its fertile soil and high crop production.
Soils and
Topography: The farm is mostly flat with a drainage canal bisecting a portion of the property. The soils are made up of Clear lake clay (Ch), Clear lake clay saline (Ck), Pacheco clay loam over clay (Pd), Pacheco silty clay (Pe), Pacheco silt loam (Pa), and River wash (Rw).
Improvements: There is a small farm house with a shop and staging area used for tractors and equipment storage. Underground pipeline systems have been developed so the ranch can be irrigated entirely on drip systems. A portion of the ranch is equipped with a drain tile system.
Water: This property is equipped with two irrigation wells. In addition supplemental water is served by the San Felipe Water District. A domestic well supplies water to the home.
Comments: This is a turn key ranch ready to grow a variety of vegetables and located in an area known for high crop production with excellent water. The Seller is interested in leasing the ranch back if possible.