Effective DCP Cropland 180.71 M/L Acres.
All of Farm in Pasture or Hay Ground at the present time.
6 Fenced Ponds with Freeze Proof Waters.
Arbela, Missouri 63432 - 5.1 miles.
Memphis, Missouri 63555 - 10.9 miles.
Keokuk, Iowa 52632 - 43.8 miles.
Kirksville, Missouri 63501 - 53.0 miles.
245 M/L Acres.
Electricity at the property.
6 Fenced Ponds with Freeze Proof Waters.
12 Fenced Cattle Paddocks.
6 Strand Barb wire fence on most of property.
Cattle Corral.
This is an excellent Cattle Farm with Cropland Possibilities.
Contact: Mark Hoover