The Station Creek Ranch is a self sustaining highly productive Eastern Montana Ranch. There is a total of 2,451 acres of which, 1,831 acres are deeded and 620 acres are lease ground. The topography is primarily creek bottoms and rolling hills. The ranch is well watered utilizing the multiple creeks that run through, along with reservoirs and wells. Irrigation water is pumped out of Fallon Creek and floods across the fields southeast of the headquarters.
Historically, the owner ran cow/calf pairs and puts up an ample amount of winter forage. A large stretch of pasture encompassing several miles on both sides of Fallon Creek and the confluence of Sandstone Creek and Fallon Creek provides more dense forage and good cover for livestock and wildlife. This area is well known for its big bucks both Whitetail and Mule Deer. You will also find pheasants and other upland game birds across the entire property.