Conveniently located just 10 miles east of Roswell, NM. This ranch is ready to be stocked with
cattle. If you need immediate grass, look no further as this ranch has not hardly been grazed in
almost a year and recent rains have kicked off the current growing season. The ranch can
handle up to 450 cows, per the current owner. The ranch is well watered and has multiple
large storage tanks and interconnected water lines. Headquarters consist of a newer modular
home, nice working pens and a small feedlot. A second set of working pens are strategically
located on the east side of the ranch. If you like hunting, this ranch has Mule deer, dove, quail
and the owner currently sells $15K in Antelope permits annually. Acreage consists of 1,440
Deeded MOL, 18,569 State lease, 5,120 BLM and 580 uncontrolled.
Please contact Ryan McKnight for more information 575-315-5432