Lake Eufaula 257
Description: This 257 acres is a one-of-a-kind lake and hunting paradise, which has over 3/4 mile frontage on Lake Eufaula. Lake Eufaula is one of the largest lakes in the nation with over 600 miles of Shoreline. It is known for its sandy beaches, top notch fishing and endless spots to enjoy water sports. The property its self lends itself to top notch hunting for Whitetail Deer, Eastern Wild Turkey. Pittsburg County ranked #1 out of 77 counties annually for total deer harvest in 2021. Pittsburg county also ranks towards the top for Cy Curtis and Boone and Crockett Deer.
Distance to:
Eufaula- 15 minutes
Tulsa. OK- 1.5 hours
OKC- 2 hours
Dallas- 3 hours 15 minutes.
Terrain: Gently rolling terrain that is approx. 2/3 timber and 1/3 open native pastures.
Water: 11 ponds and access to over 102,000 acres of Lake Eufaula.
Game: Whitetail deer, Eastern wild turkey and numerous small game and non-game species such as coyote, fox, bobcat, rabbit and squirrel. Pittsburg County was #1 in total deer harvest 2021 with a total harvest of 4,447. This tract is also located in counties open for Oklahoma's annual Black Bear season.
Climate: Pittsburg county receives approx. 48" of annual rainfall.