Real Estate Absolute Auction without Reserve for the Reynolds Ranch. The property will be offered in 5 parcels. The Purchase Agreement and Title Insurance Commitment are available from Agri Affiliates prior to the auction.
Terms - This cash sale requires a 15% earnest deposit at signing of the Purchase Agreement immediately following the Auction. The balance of the purchase price is payable in certified funds at Closing, on or before March 17, 2021. There is no contingency for financing. Sellers to convey title by Warranty Deed; with Title Insurance evidencing merchantable title. Cost of Title Insurance and an Insured Closing by the Title Company will be shared 50/50 by Seller/Buyer. Property sells subject to easements, rights-of-way, zoning, and restrictions of record; Free and clear of all liens. The property sells in as-is condition; No warranty is expressed or implied as to the adequacy of any portion of the property. Auction conducted as an Absolute Auction.
Possession - Full possession at Closing.
Taxes - Seller to pay 2020 real estate taxes.
Minerals - All owned oil, gas, and mineral rights pass to Buyer.
Acreages - No warranty is expressed or implied as to exact acres included in the parcel. Legal description is subject to existing fence and field boundaries.
Internet Online Bidding - Bidding online will be offered to buyers. To qualify as an online bidder you must first complete a required phone interview with Agri Affiliates and provide bank reference information if requested. Buyer will set up bidder account, user name and password in the online bidder platform. Your final approval as a bidder must be completed 48 hours prior to the Auction.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PT.SW1/4SE1/4, PT.SE1/4SW1/4 Section 31-T24N-R29W of the 6th P.M., Thomas County, Nebraska
TAXES & ACRES: 21.98 taxed acres - 2020 taxes $99.42
ACCESS: County road access through the property.
COMMENTS: Excellent site for a family getaway with some mature trees for protection. County road access, single phase power through the property and the entire west boundary is the Middle Loup River.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Parts of the following legal description lying north of Highway 2 and east of BNSF RR; Part of SW1/4NE1/4, S1/2NW1/4, N1/2SW1/4 Sec. 4; Part of Sec. 5; Part of NW1/4 Sec. 6-T23N-R29W of the 6th P.M., Thomas County, Nebraska
TAXES & ACRES: Estimated 504 taxed acres - Estimated 2020 taxes $2,294.00
ACCESS: Highway 2 on the south and county road access along the west side of property.
COMMENTS: This parcel is fenced into two pastures. Livestock water is provided by a solar submersible and the Middle Loup River.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That part of the N1/2SW1/4 lying west of the BNSF RR, south of Highway 2 and east of the Middle Loup River Section 5-T23N-R29W of the 6th P.M., Thomas County, Nebraska.
TAXES & ACRES: Estimated 8 taxed acres - Estimated 2020 taxes $38.00
ACCESS: Access is provided off of Highway 2.
COMMENTS: This is a very desirable building site which is comprised of meadow along the Middle Loup River.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Those parts lying east of the BNSF RR and south of Highway 2 including Part of N1/2S1/2 Section 4 and Part of N1/2S1/2 Section 5-T23N-R29W of the 6th P.M., Thomas County, NE
TAXES & ACRES: Estimated 117 taxed acres - Estimated 2020 taxes $532.00
ACCESS: Access is provided off of Highway 2 on the north and by county gravel road on the southeast.
COMMENTS: This parcel is entirely rangeland with two windmill sites, one on each side of the property.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PT.SW1/4 South of Highway 2 and west of the Middle Loup River in Section 5; W1/2W1/2 Section 8; N1/2 Section 29; All Section 20; PT.SE1/4 South of Highway 2 in Section 6; NE1/4, N1/2SE1/4 Section 7; W1/2NW1/4 Section 28; SW1/4NE1/4, S1/2NW1/4, N1/2SW1/4 Section 4; NW1/4, S1/2 Section 17-T23N-R29W Part SW1/4SE1/4, Part SE1/4SW1/4 Section 31-T24N-R29W of the 6th P.M., Thomas County, Nebraska
TAXES & ACRES: Estimated 1,979 taxed acres - Estimated 2020 taxes $11,640.00
ACCESS: Excellent access provided by Highway 2.
Buildings: Located a very appropriate 200 yard off of Highway 2 is a 1,296 square foot house with two detached garages, an older calving barn, a hip roof barn and a set of corrals.
COMMENTS: This parcel include a small amount of meadow north of the buildings with the balance of the property comprised of sandhills rangeland. The rangeland is fenced into 6 pastures. Each pasture has one pipeline tank. The south pasture includes a pipeline tank and a second water site with a windmill.
6 miles west of Thedford or 6.5 miles east of Seneca, Nebraska on Hwy. 2