Located just south of the small community of Martinstown, you will find this excellent income-producing and hunting farm, and it is one of the best combo farms you will find on the market! This farm has 124 acres of highly productive tillable bottom land around the base of a beautiful block of hardwood timber. This area of the county is known for producing great bucks, and all the components of a good hunting farm are here: timber, grassland, crop fields, food plots, water, and good access. The North boundary of the farm lies along BlackBird Creek. This creek corridor has always been known for great deer hunting. Access to the farm is excellent; Highway 149 borders the farm to the east, and King Road to the south and west offers great access for equipment and hunting considerations—nice trails for access to stand locations in the timber and existing food plots. The timber land is rolling ridges and hollows of primarily white oak and hickory timber. There is a great location on the west side for a cabin, home, or campsite for an RV, with water and electricity available for easy hookup. The property has marketable timber with white oak and some walnuts along the bottom fields. These farms that offer higher quality tillable and great hunting are very hard to find; give listings agents Jeff Propst or Stephen Stockman a call with any questions or to set up a showing!