Spectacularly situated between the Mission Mountains and the National Bison Range, this 300-acre working hay farm is part of a century-long family holding. The irrigated ground is in alfalfa and alfalfa/grass mix and irrigated via wheel-lines, handlines, and has two live streams flowing across the property. Two hay cuttings yield about 5 ton per acre with a third cutting possible in some years. Approximately 80 acres is flood irrigated and used for cattle pasture. Located just outside of small-town St. Ignatius, Missoula is a quick 45-minute drive and 1.5 hours to Kalispell. St. Ignatius has a small airport and Flathead Lake is a short drive. With its abundant water, productive ground and breathtaking views, this operational farm is a once-in-a-lifetime offering in the Mission Valley of western Montana.
Hwy 93 to Pinsoneault Road, go west. Property begins on the corner of Pinsoneault and Lower Crossing.