30 Acres Norman County, MN
Bidding Opens: April 18, 2025 8:00 a.m. (CT)
Bidding Closes: April 23, 2025 12:00 p.m. (CT)
Auction Note: This auction features a beautiful 30 +/- acre property in Norman County, MN. The property features an estimated 12 +/- crop acres with exceptional loam soils with a Soil Productivity Index (SPI) of 97! The balance of the property features wooded acres along the Wild Rice River. The river and mature trees create excellent wildlife habitat. This land auction presents an excellent opportunity for sportsman or someone looking for the perfect property to build their dream home!
Contact: Jack Pifer at 701.261.4762 for more information.
Property Information
Acres: 30 +/-
Legal: 30 Ac. W of S. 60 Ac. Of WNE; Less N. 2 Rds.; A Parcel Com. At NW Cor. WNE & E. 2 Rds., S. 660 ft. in 21-144-43
Crop Acres: 12.19 +/- (Estimate)
Taxes (2024): $350.00
OWNER: Roger Grivno
From Twin Valley, MN, head north on County Rd. #29 for 2 miles then continue east on County Rd. #29 for 5 miles to reach the north end of the property.