This pivot irrigated farm is located in a very competitive area for cropland acres. The wells on Section 8 are in good condition. Section 7 is being offered with the Seller providing an easement to the well that services the pivot on land the Seller is retaining. The easement shall last for the life of the well. Possession of the farm will be after crop residue grazing is completed in late winter 2023.
11.1 acres of the corners on Section 7 are enrolled into Corners For Wildlife and Buyer shall assume the contract. The farm is selling with the Seller reserving hunting rights on all the pivot corners for a period of 10 years after closing.
Section 8 east pivot: (10) tower Zimmatic pivot, electric submersible irrigation pump, electric control panel, Registered NE Irrigation well G-174296 with 132.6 Twin Platte NRD certified irrigated acres was drilled May 2014 to 270, static water 49 pumping level 77 with pump set at 120 and rated at 900 gpm at drilling.
Section 8west pivot: (9) tower Zimmatic pivot, electric irrigation motor, Sargent irrigation well, electrical control panel, Registered NE Irrigation well G-061566 with 71.75 Twin Platte NRD certified irrigated acres was drilled April 1979 to 260, static water 62 pumping level 77 with pump set at unknown and rated at 850 gpm at drilling.
Section 7 pivot: (10) tower Zimmatic center pivot, electric submersible pump, electrical panel, underground pipe to the pivot, underground wiring to the pivot, Fieldnet guidance system, Registered NE irrigation well G-061192 with 67.05 Twin Platte NRD certified irrigated acres was drilled February1979 to 165, static water 36 pumping level 124 with pump set at unknown and rated at 2056 gpm at drilling. Special Note: this well is located on land the Seller is retaining and will be sold with an easement to the well for the life of the well. Buyer shall be responsible for the maintenance of the underground pipeline from the well to the pivot.
FSA BASE INFO: The farm is covered with full corn base with PLC Yield of 141 bushel. Base will be transferred with approval of the FSA County Committee based on acre proration from current farm numbers.
CROPLAND SOILS: 65.5% Class II-IV Anselmo, Hersh, Hord, Cozad and Uly-Coly silt and fine sandy loams with 3-9% slopes and the balance consisting of Class VI Hersh, Anselmo and Valentine fine sandy soils with 9-24% slopes.
LOCATION:Farm is located in western Lincoln County 4.5 miles west of Highway 25 on Walker Road or 5.5 miles east of the Paxton I-80 exit on County Road East 80.
ACRES: 304.15+/- total taxed
REAL ESTATE TAXES: 2021 taxes payable in 2022 are estimated to be $17,000.00
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Township 13 North Range 34 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Nebraska
Section 7: Part S1/2S1/2 lying south of Wier Road
Section 8: Surveyed tract in S1/2 and Part N1/2
Farm is located in western Lincoln County 4.5 miles west of Highway 25 on Walker Road or 5.5 miles east of the Paxton I-80 exit on County Road East 80.