Hanson Family Ranch
Harding and Perkins Counties, South Dakota
AUCTION DATE: August 29, 2018
AUCTION LOCATION: Reva, SD (Reva Community Hall)
3,103 Acres, Offered in 5 individual and combined Tracts and as ONE ENTIRE UNIT
The Property is Complete with: HQ Grass Tillable CRP! SD Hwy 20 Frontage!
Acquired by Keith and Bonnie Hanson in the early 1960s, the ranch has been held in the Hanson Family for the past 60 years and now the Family has decided its time for new ownership to ensue. In the Slim Buttes area, with direct access along SD Hwy 20, location and access on this Ranch is as good as it gets!
SELLING ABSOLUTE, without minimum or reserve bid! Have your arrangements secure. Dont miss the opportunity to acquire this unique ranch property.
Showing Dates: August 3, 15, 22 and 29 (Auction Day) from 10:00 NOON each day or by appointment
Make plans to be with us August 29, 2018, 1:30 pm MT, (Reva Community Hall) REVA SD 57651. For more information and video go to HEWITTLANDCOMPANY(dot)com or call 605-791-2300. Broker participation invited, forms and deadline apply.