Just outside the unincorporatedtown of Guffey, Colorado, which showed its heyday between 1895 to 1902 when itwas a part of the Freshwater mining district, and cattle ranching and lumbercontributing to the economy, sits the Eagle Bluff Ranch. The ranch consists of 3,069 plus-minus acres and hasoperated as a cattle ranch with hay production but has so much more to offer.
Eagle Bluff Ranch has manyadjudicated springs, water rights to irrigate over a dozen hayfields, andmultiple ponds. The water is key to cattle and hay production but also isimportant in wildlife migration. Over 3miles of seasonal creeks and streams and dozens of ponds and small lakes can befound on the ranch. The ranch holds some historical improvements, including asmall cabin. Accessibility to the ranch is year-round, running on both sides ofCounty Road 71. The ranch has a road system throughout the property and isfully fenced and cross fenced. Topography is flat, rolling, and steep terrainswith elevations ranging from 8,600 feet to over 9,600 feet. Eagle Bluff Ranchspans as far as your eyes can see from the rock bluffs with mature Aspens andConifers to the hay meadows full of alpine native grasses.
The Ranch offers a uniqueopportunity to obtain significant hunting acreage in the Central Coloradomountains as well as cattle and haying operations. Located in GMU 581, theranch is home to elk, mule deer, antelope, wild turkey, and more. It is notuncommon to see the 300+ resident elk herd and mule deer. Eagle Bluff Ranch isset up perfect for every season, from Archery with the food plots throughoutthe property and the heavy timber to the vast landscape for long-rangeshooting. The ranch sits in a significant migration area; as the seasons'progress, you'll hold and see more game. Not only is Unit 581 known for itsgiant bull elk, but the ranch also has several documented mule deer in the200-220 class, along with several Boone and Crocket antelope. Eagle Bluff Ranch backs up to over 500,000 plus-minus acres of public hunting land, setting up prime wildlife migration through theranch. With the ranch's water resourcesand habitat, you have the makings for a prime big game hunting ranch. Call today for your qualified showing.