Dont let this ready-to-use hunting and recreational property go! With possible house or cabin sites, this property is in the shadow of House Mountain outside of Lexington, an iconic mountain in the county. Its only a 9 minute drive to Lake Robertson, a beautiful lake with great bass fishing and other recreational opportunities. Quaint downtown Lexington, VA is about 20 minutes away, with nice dining, shopping and sightseeing experiences. Lots of hunting, hiking, horse back riding and swimming opportunities abound in the National Forest and other sites in the area. Dont let it get away!
Beautiful wooded tract with lots of road frontage, and 2 creeks. Well established atv trails throughout, and nice 1/2 ac field at bottom for easy access. Lots of opportunities for hunting and recreation, or building your cabin or home.
Instrument #190001739 Tax Map NO. 57 A 86A Per Deed Book 545, Page 665. Containing 31.9 Acres of Mountain Land.