Legal Description: The South-half (S/2) of Section 11, Block C, M.B. & B. Survey, Bailey County, Texas.
2009 Property Taxes: $865
Government Payment: In 2009 this property received a Direct Payment of approximately $4,000 and a Counter Cyclical Payment of approximately $5,000.
Price: $450 per acre.
Remarks: The Kindle Farm is a productive dryland farm currently in a good state of cultivation. This property has a nearly level terrain. No improvements of value are located on this tract. For additional information, please contact Rusty Lawson.
Location: The Kindle Farm is located in southwestern Bailey County, being approximately 6 miles north of Maple, Texas. To access the property, travel 3 miles north of the intersection of FM 54 and FM 1731. Turn west on CR 1274 and travel 1 mile to the southeast corner of the property. The Kindle farm is accessed by graded CR 61 on the west, graded CR 1274 on the south and graded CR 71 on the east.