Take advantage of this opportunity to acquire 320 Acres (+/-) of productive Gosper County, Nebraska Dry Cropland & Pasture with excellent fence & water. This Tract is located 9 miles (+/-) Northeast of Arapahoe on a well-maintained gravel road.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The N 1/2 of Section 17 - T5N - R22W Gosper County, NE
THE TRACT: A productive Gosper County, Nebraska Farm consisting of 151.7 Acres (+/-) of Dry Cropland in 2 fields & 156.3 Acres (+/-) of Pasture. This farm consists primarily of desirable, productive Holdrege, Coly-Uly & Holdrege-Uly Silt Loam Soils. The Cropland is currently in corn. The Pasture is watered from 2 electric wells, one in the northwest corner & the other in the southeast corner plus 3 dams. A high-tensile 4-wire electric fence is on the east, south & west sides of the Pasture with a 3-wire fence along the north side. The Cropland & Pasture are currently leased. A mature cedar windbreak still cradles the northwest corner of this half-section where the farmstead was located, which is where some steel grain bins & the barn remain.
FSA DATA: (estimate) Contract Acres: Corn 108.65 Wheat 36.55
Direct Yield Average: Corn 127 Wheat 43
POSSESSION: Landlords Possession at Closing, if Closed prior to expiration of the lease. Full Possession upon expiration of the lease.
2016 TAXES: $ 4663.66 LIST PRICE: $ 639,500
From Arapahoe, NE: 1 mile East on Hwy 6&34 to Rd 425, North on Rd 425 3 miles to Rd 726, East 1 3/4 miles to Rd 427, North 4 miles on Rd 427 on East side.