Property Description: 123.4 acres are currently enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program at a rate of $32.89/acre, or a total of $4,059/year, with the last payment being in September of 2011. Lost Draw meanders across the east-half of the property, creating excellent habitat for Mule Deer, wild hogs, ducks and Sand Hill Cranes. This entire tract is currently in a good stand of mixed grasses, with scattered shin oak, sand sage and salt cedars scattered throughout. A large portion of the salt cedars have recently been sprayed.
Water: One windmill is developed on the property; however, this mill has not been used in several years and its present condition is unknown.
Hunting/Recreation: The Freels Property is located in an area known for its good Mule Deer and wild hog hunting. Bobwhite Quail are also frequently seen on the property.
Price: $465.00 per acre, with 50% of the wind rights.
Location/Access: The Freels Property is located in the Southeast-quadrant of Terry County, being approximately 7 miles east and 6.5 miles south of Brownfield, Texas. To access the property from the intersection of US Hwy 380 and FM 168, travel approximately 6.5 miles south on FM 168 to the northwest corner of the property. FM 168 adjoins the west side of this farm for approximately .5 of a mile. The Freels Property lies approximately .5 of a mile from north to south and approximately 1 mile from east to west.