This half-section farm is being offered in two tracts. Both tracts are high-quality pivot irrigated farms located south of Sutton, NE one a mile off of the blacktop road.
Property Location:
Both tracts are located two miles south of Sutton on Road X and one mile west on Road 316, along the east side of Road W.
Tract 1 and 2's combined real estate taxes are $18,458.66 for 2021, payable in 2022.
The final split taxes for each tract moving forward will be determined by the Clay County Assessor after the sale.
Farm Data:
Tract 1:
Cropland - 156.5 acres
Other - 4.06 acres
Total - 160.56 acres
Tract 2:
Cropland - 148.86 acres
Other - 11.68 acres
Total - 160.54 acres
FSA Information:
The base acres and yields below are for Tracts 1 and 2 combined.
Final base acres and yields will be determined based on the FSA's division of the tracts.
Corn - 252.30 acres, 199 bushels
Soybeans - 17.6 acres, 66 bushels
Grain Sorghum - 14.90 acres, 93 bushels
Wheat - 5.1 acres, 35 bushels