Another gem of a farm! Located northeast of Winnsboro, LA in Franklin Parish. Having 328+/- total acres. Approximately 106.39 acres are land formed with furrow irrigation. Approximately 197.61 acres are precision levelled with a tenth and half fall. And 24 acres are enrolled in a Conservation Reserve Program ending in 2035 and yielding $2,000.00/year income. A very successful farmer has been secured for 2025 paying a rent of $215/acre. The property has one turbine irrigation well and 4 electric wells. The soil types are Calloway Silt Loam, Loring Silt Loam 1 to 3 percent slopes, Calhoun Silt Loam, and Calhoun-Calloway complex. This property is great for the investor and the local farmer. It is also a good spot for a box stand with a vein of hardwoods running through the middle of the farm.
From Winnsboro, LA head east on HWY 4 for 1.72 miles. Go left onto HWY 17 for 5.55 miles. Turn left onto Deer Creek Rd. The property is on the left in 0.9 miles.