Thirty-four acres of hunting property in LaSalle Ph., just five miles from Jena. This property would make a great father and son hunting tract. The topography is hilly with a creek on the west side. The property had been cut 20 years ago and there is a thick natural regrowth of hardwood and Pine mix which makes a great bedding place for deer. This property has no deeded access. The coordinates are 31.66124 - 92.04524 There is a 35 ac tract that borders this property that is also for sale.
Dennis Matlock
Legal Description: In Sec 10, T8N, R4E
Access: No Deeded Access
Adj. Property Types: Timber Tracts
Soil Types: Providence Silt Loam, Smithdale Fine Sandy Loam
Timber Stand: 34 ac Pine Mix
Hunting: Deer, Hogs, Rabbits, Squirrels
Minerals: Reserved
Flood Tendencies: None, there is a creek that runs on the edge